UTHealth Houston CareLink access, for health care professionals

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UTHealth Houston CareLink, which is UTHealth Houston’s EpicCare Link platform, is a secure, web-based tool that connects referring physicians and clinical teams to UT Physicians’ electronic health records. This tool is only for health care professionals to help ensure continuity of care for patients with electronic health records at multiple facilities that are powered by Epic. Health care teams accessing UTHealth Houston CareLink include (but are not limited to) referring physicians, nursing homes, dialysis centers, and long-term care facilities.

When accessing UTHealth Houston CareLink, doctors and clinical staff can view a patient’s lab results, test results, procedural information, medications, medical histories, and real-time clinical data that is compliant with state and federal regulations for the release of Protected Health Information (PHI).

Frequently Asked Questions

Yes. Using UTHealth Houston CareLink, you can access clinical data—including lab results, diagnostic test results, hospitalization records, procedural information, discharge instructions, progress notes, medications, allergies, medical history and more—for patients seen at any clinic owned by UTHealth Houston or at UTHealth Harris County Psychiatric Center.