- MyUTHealth Houston Patient Portal
- UTHealth Houston CareLink
UTHealth Houston CareLink access, for health care professionals
UTHealth Houston CareLink, which is UTHealth Houston’s EpicCare Link platform, is a secure, web-based tool that connects referring physicians and clinical teams to UT Physicians’ electronic health records. This tool is only for health care professionals to help ensure continuity of care for patients with electronic health records at multiple facilities that are powered by Epic. Health care teams accessing UTHealth Houston CareLink include (but are not limited to) referring physicians, nursing homes, dialysis centers, and long-term care facilities.
When accessing UTHealth Houston CareLink, doctors and clinical staff can view a patient’s lab results, test results, procedural information, medications, medical histories, and real-time clinical data that is compliant with state and federal regulations for the release of Protected Health Information (PHI).
Frequently Asked Questions
Yes. Using UTHealth Houston CareLink, you can access clinical data—including lab results, diagnostic test results, hospitalization records, procedural information, discharge instructions, progress notes, medications, allergies, medical history and more—for patients seen at any clinic owned by UTHealth Houston or at UTHealth Harris County Psychiatric Center.
UTHealth Houston CareLink is a web-based portal that can be accessed at the login link provided above. You will need a computer or tablet, a high-speed internet connection, and a current browser. Smartphone access is not recommended.
UTHealth Houston CareLink uses industry standard encryption technology ensuring that only you and our staff have access.
No, there is no fee.
If you are listed as the patient’s Primary Care Provider (PCP), you will have view-only access to your patient’s information, and you can enter referral orders and send In Basket messages to the UTHealth Care Team. If your relationship with the patient is as a specialist, you will have access based upon the specific encounter. Please note that you must log in once every 90 days for your access to remain active.
You will receive a message in your UTHealth Houston CareLink In Basket.
No, training is not required. However, after enrolling, you can access online training at any time via the Quick Links section on the UTHealth CareLink home page.
No. You agreed not to disclose your sign-on information to anyone else as part of the confidentiality agreement that you sign when you enroll in UTHealth Houston CareLink.
You are responsible for any activity that occurs using your user name and password. Even if you are called away from your computer and someone else is active with this information, you are responsible. If others in your clinic or department need UTHealth Houston CareLink access, they can request their own account by contacting their UTHealth Houston CareLink site administrator.
A doctor may not see their patient the first time since the patient relationship may not be established. Please refer to your training guide for how to look up your patient.
Yes, you have the ability to communicate directly via the UTHealth Houston CareLink In Basket.
No, UTHealth Houston CareLink does not address specific Meaningful Use criteria, but it is a valuable tool for physician office practices and chart reviewers.
To request access to UTHealth Houston CareLink, please create a new account request.
Please contact User Experience and Solution Center Staff at 713-486-4848 or helpdesk@uth.tmc.edu with any issues regarding UTHealth Houston CareLink.