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Jensen clinic celebrates 5-year anniversary

Written By: Simone Sonnier, UT Physicians | Updated: May 27, 2022
Jenesen Clinic 5 Year Celebration

Members of the UT Physicians Multispecialty – Jensen clinic staff gather for a group photo to commemorate their anniversary. (Photo by Alyssa Duty, UT Physicians)

On Friday, May 20, the staff at the UT Physicians Multispecialty – Jensen clinic gathered to celebrate its five-year anniversary. Five wonderful years of serving a community they each hold dear to their hearts.

“I grew up in this area and being able to help its residents is something special for me,” shared Erica Guzman, patient access representative. “Getting to know our patients personally and their stories over time creates an amazing bond between us.”

With excitement in the air, Guzman and colleagues hosted a small get-together — complete with a delicious meal and a cake with candles, of course.

Marlon Stewart, practice manager
Marlon Stewart, practice manager, shares a smile while bringing out an anniversary cake to his team. (Photo by Alyssa Duty, UT Physicians)

During the celebration, Ali Naqvi, MD, pediatrician, reminisced on how much the clinic has grown in five short years.

Ali Naqvi, MD
Ali Naqvi, MD

“In the beginning, I remember it was a slow start. Now we’re well established and have had patients with us for all these years,” he said. “I’m proud of all the specialties we can offer under one roof such as pediatrics, internal medicine, and psychiatric care for those who are in need.”

In addition to offering a wide variety of experts in multiple fields of interest, the clinic also frequently hosts and participates in events for patients and community members alike. In 2021, they held a vaccination event, a back-to-school immunization day, a school supply drive, and operated a booth at the Jensen Jubilee.

It’s this connection to the community and its people that is most important to Leticia Gonzalez Castro, EdD, LMSW, senior social worker.

“Our patients have learned that we are here for them. We’re constantly giving them the support they need,” she said. “We are their resource.”

Gonzalez Castro, Naqvi, and Guzman have all worked alongside each other since the opening of the Jensen clinic, creating mutual respect and adoration for the role each person plays in the journey of a patient.

Although unable to attend the gathering, Sahar M. Qashqai, executive director of UT Physicians Healthcare Transformation Initiatives, shared in the joy and appreciation of the clinic and those who make it all possible.

“From the very beginning, long before we even opened our doors, our Community Advisory Board welcomed us into the community and helped us understand what the needs were,” she shared. “We cherish the opportunity to be here and look forward to continuing to meet the needs of our patients.”

View more pictures from the anniversary celebration. To learn more about the UT Physicians Multispecialty – Jensen clinic or to schedule an appointment, visit their page.

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