Intracardiac Echogenic Focus

An intracardiac echogenic focus (ICEF) is a bright white spot seen in the baby’s heart during an ultrasound. There can be one or multiple bright spots, and they occur when an area of the heart muscle has extra calcium. Calcium is a natural mineral found in the body. Areas in the body with more calcium, like bones and muscles, look brighter on ultrasound.

Can an ICEF cause problems for the pregnancy?

An ICEF itself does not cause problems in the pregnancy or after delivery. An ICEF is not considered a heart defect and does not affect how the heart works. No additional doctor appointments or imaging is usually necessary. An ICEF is considered normal variation and is seen in 20% (1 in 5) of pregnancies. The finding is especially common in pregnancies of Asian ancestry.

Could an ICEF mean the baby has other health concerns?

If an ICEF is the only finding on ultrasound, it is most often thought to be normal variation. Rarely, a baby with an ICEF may have a chromosome condition such as Down syndrome. Down syndrome is a genetic condition that causes intellectual disabilities and an increased risk for health problems. In babies where a chromosome condition is suspected, there are usually other ultrasound findings or abnormal blood tests present.

Do I need to consider additional testing?

In most pregnancies, this finding does not significantly increase the chances of a chromosome condition. If you have already had normal blood testing (such as noninvasive prenatal testing, first trimester screening, or quad screening) and an ICEF is the only finding on ultrasound, the chance for a chromosome condition is still well under 1%, and additional testing and ultrasounds are not indicated. When an ICEF is the only finding on ultrasound and blood test results are normal, the risk for a chromosome condition is still less than 1%. If you have not had any testing for chromosome conditions in the pregnancy, there are tests available to provide additional information about these risks now that an ICEF has been identified on ultrasound.

Where can I get more information?

You can speak with your obstetrician or a genetic counselor if you have additional questions about this ultrasound finding. To schedule a genetic counseling appointment, please call 713-486-9302.