On Sunday, Feb. 9, one of the year’s biggest sports events will draw millions of Americans to the TV. The finale of the NFL season promises dramatic sports storylines, cinematic commercials, and the very likely chance of spotting a certain mega music star in one of the luxury suites.
“Watching the football game doesn’t have to mean hours of sitting on a couch,” said Dione “Shae” Sloan, a physician assistant in orthopedics at UT Physicians.
Instead, our health expert wants you to enjoy some active fun this year, too!
Get moving
Moving your body increases blood circulation, improves posture, boosts metabolism, reduces stiffness in muscles and joints, and enhances mental alertness.
“Whether you’re watching the football game or binging a streaming channel, you should set an alarm to get up and move every 30 minutes,” said Sloan. “The best practice is to move during every commercial break or between episodes.”
Group bonding
From large multigenerational crowds to intimate family gatherings, exercising together builds a bond.
“Regardless of your watch party size, this football game brings people together and creates community,” said Sloan. “Embrace that community atmosphere and add a workout. Exercising will add comradery, fellowship, and sportsmanship to your event.”
Reduce tension
With a championship on the line, there will likely be tension. Focus that energy on fitness instead.
“This is an easy way to get people moving and blow off some steam,” said Sloan.
Watch party workout
Wow your football watch party with this UT Physicians fitness game expertly crafted for simple, easy-to-follow fun that can be adjusted for individual fitness levels.
Play-by-Play Fitness Challenge
When one of the plays listed below occurs during the game, perform the correlating exercise. Adjust the exercises based upon your abilities. Rest up and hydrate during commercial breaks!
Calf Raises x10
Jumping Jacks x20
Field Goal
Situps x10
Plank (60 sec.)
Extra Point
Squats x10
Soup Can Lateral Arm Raises x10
Pick Six
Bicycle Crunches x20
Forward Lunges x15 each leg
Incomplete Pass
Side Lunges x8 each side
QB Sack
Russian Twist x15 each side
Blocked Punt
Glute Bridges x20
Onside Kick
Soup Can Overhead Press x15